Monday, December 3, 2018

Members' Publications: December 2018 Edition

As compiled by Katie Quinn:

December 2018


Annison, H., Telford, M., & Boswell, J. (2018). Introduction: Interpreting penal policymaking special issue. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice57(3), 295-301. DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12282 [Access it here]

Annison, H. (2018). Politics and penal change: Towards an interpretive political analysis of penal policymaking. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice57(3), 302-320. DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12269 [Access it here]

Annison, H. (2018). The policymakers’ dilemma: change, continuity and enduring rationalities of English penal policy. British Journal of Criminology58(5), 1066-1086. DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azx066 [Access it here]

Annison, H. (2018). Tracing the Gordian knot: indeterminate-sentenced prisoners and the pathologies of English penal politics. The Political Quarterly, 1-9. DOI: 10.1111/1467-923X.12462 [Access it here]

Black, Lynsey. (2018) The pathologisation of women who kill: Three cases from Ireland, Social History of Medicine, DOI: (Online First: 23 August 2018) [Access it here]

Burkhardt, Brett C. (2018 advance online). Does the Public Sector Respond to Private Competition? An Analysis of Privatization and Prison Performance. Journal of Crime and Justice. DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2018.1497524.[Access ithere]

Burkhardt, Brett C. (2018 advance online). Contesting Market Rationality: Discursive Struggles over Prison Privatization. Punishment & Society. DOI: 10.1177/1462474517751665. [Access it here]

Corda, Alessandro. (2018). Beyond Totem and Taboo: Toward a Narrowing of American Criminal Record Exceptionalism, Federal Sentencing Reporter, 30(4-5), 241–251. [Access it here]

Corda, Alessandro. (2018). The Collateral Consequence Conundrum: Comparative Genealogy, Current Trends, and Future Scenarios, in Austin Sarat (ed.) After Imprisonment (Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Volume 77) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.69 – 97. [Access it here]

Durand, Corentin. (2018). Un Bureau Derrière Les Barreaux. Travail Relationnel et Pouvoir Discrétionnaire Dans Les Audiences Pénitentiaires. [An Office Behind Bars: Relational Work and Discretionary Power in Prison Hearings.], Sociologie Du Travail, 60(3). [Access it here]

Lageson, Sarah. (2018). Policy Essay: The Politics of Public Punishment. Criminology & Public Policy 17(3), 635-642. [Access it here]

Page, Joshua and Philip Goodman. (2018) “Creative Disruption: Edward Bunker, Carceral Habitus, and the Criminological Value of Fiction.” Theoretical Criminology. [Online First: 19 April 2018] [Access it here]

Rubin, Ashley T., and Keramet Reiter. (2018). Continuity in the Face of Penal Innovation: Revisiting the History of American Solitary Confinement. Law & Social Inquiry,43(4), 1604-1632. [Access it here]

Savelsberg, Joachim J.(2018 online). Global Human Rights Organizations and National Patterns: Amnesty International's Representations of Darfur. Societies without Borders, 12(2). [Access it here]


De Giorgi, Alessandro. (2018). Punishment, Marxism, and Political Economy. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. [More information here]

Savelsberg, Joachim J. and Suzy McElrath. (2018). “Human Rights and Penal Policy.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia for Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. [More information here

Savelsberg, Joachim J.(2018). “Genocide and other Atrocity Crimes: Toward Remedies.” Agenda for Justice: Global Edition, edited by Glenn Muschert et al. Bristol, UK: Policy, pp. 111-120.

Rubin, Ashley T. (2018). Prison History. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Ed. Henry Pontell. New York: Oxford University Press.[More information here]

Condry, Rachel and Peter Scharff Smith. (eds.) (2018) Prisons, Punishment, and the Family: Towards a New Sociology of Punishment? Oxford University Press 2018 [More informationhere]