Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Newest Digest of Members' Publications

June 2016

Burkhardt, Brett. (2016). Who Punishes Whom? Bifurcation of Private and Public Responsibilities in Criminal Punishment. Journal of Crime and Justice. DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2016.1174619.

Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin. (2016). Knowing about the Atrocities of Mass Incarceration. Social Justice, 42(2), 168.

Iftene, Adelina. (2016). Unlocking the Doors to Canadian Older Inmate Mental Health Data: Rates and Potential Legal Responses. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.

Lynch, Mona, and Bertenthal, Alyse. (2016). The Calculus of the Record: Criminal History in the Making of U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Theoretical Criminology, 20(2), 145–164.

Phelps, Michelle. (2016). Mass Probation: Toward a More Robust Theory of State Variation in Punishment. Punishment & Society. DOI: 10.1177/1462474516649174

Reiter, Keramet. (2016). Reclaiming the Power to Punish: Legislating and Administrating the California Supermax, 1982–1989. Law & Society Review, 50(2), 484–518.

Stuart, Forrest. (2016). Becoming “Copwise”: Policing, Culture, and the Collateral Consequences of Street-Level Criminalization. Law & Society Review, 50(2), 279–313.

Super, Gail. (2016). Volatile Sovereignty: Governing Crime through the Community in Khayelitsha. Law & Society Review, 50(2), 450–483.

Werth, Robert. (2016). Individualizing Risk: Moral Judgement, Professional Knowledge, and Affect in Parole Evaluations. British Journal of Criminology. DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azw025

Kupchik, Aaron. (2016). The Real School Safety Problem: Long-Term Consequences of Harsh School Punishment. Oakland: University of California Press.

Werth, Robert. (Forthcoming). “Breaking the Rules the Right Way: Resisting Parole Logics and Asserting Autonomy.” In Ruth Armstrong and Ioan Durnescu (Eds.), Supervised Freedom: International Perspectives of Life on Parole. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

If you would like your recently published book or article to be included in the next digest,

please send your citation information to Miltonette Craig ( by July 31.